Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Joy in the Journey

One of the best feelings in the world is the split second that the lights go down. In that moment there are infinite possibilities. Most people I have talked to have experienced this the same way; with great anticipation and wonder. It’s happening. You are here. You made it.

Running a close second for me would be the 'road trip'. Maybe it's just that I am used to driving long distances. Or, maybe I find comfort in  the repetitive sounds the car makes at 75MPH when you are cruising along in the right lane. I'm not sure exactly what does it, but I find as much joy in the actual trip itself as I do in arriving.

Depending on how long the drive is, and whether or not you have seen the band yet on that particular tour, there is a prolonged level of anticipation. I mentioned the lights going  down, because it's very similar to that. Except, sometimes it lasts for several hours.  Granted, the feeling may come and go, but it's always there motivating your drive.

It tends to peak for me when ever we pick up a line of cars obviously bound for the same  destination. Sticker coated vehicles are not quite as common, but there are always signs that you are not alone. It's a feeling that you are headed towards something bigger than yourself. There's nothing quite like starting up a random conversation at a gas station with "So what do you think the opener will be?" and getting a heartfelt and real response from someone who is just as excited as you are.

See you on the road.

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